Coming up on the show (5-6pm today on 107.3 Siren FM or online at !) we have an interview with the creator of a great new ‘pop punk to hardcore’ alternative club night, Olivia Ehrhart.

She speaks to us about her love of music, the need for a good alternative to club music, and how you can find out more!

Listen in to the show at 5pm to hear the interview!
To find out more about the nights, go to

Also on the show, we have a documentary about punk music, and a track from my band, Five Minutes Late!
So the whole show has an alternative music feel!

And enjoy x


Adrian Samarra Productions

On the show this week, we interview independent multimedia producer Adrian Samarra, who specialises in location camera work – be it a dangerous rock face or the bustling streets of London! On top of that, he also specialises in designing websites and outdoor sport photography!

Has this kid got it all?!

Listen into the show this week to find out, but for the meantime… have a look at Adrian’s website here

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